Discover a clearer future

We offer innovative services to help clients solve their needs in several industries, including medical services, construction, and energy.

omaytop - medical services, construction, and energy
omaytop - medical services, construction, and energy
omaytop - medical services, construction, and energy
omaytop - medical services, construction, and energy
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Who We Are

Omaytop delivers world-class service in procurement, delivery and servicing of equipment in several industries, including medical services, construction, and energy. We have a dedicated team based in Lagos, Nigeria with a commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.

At the foundation of what we do is a customer-centric mindset. You can trust that our team are highly skilled and deeply committed to your success and to working together with you every step of the way.

We have invested in building our service resources so we can understand your unique operating environment and deliver flexible service solutions that provide value to your business.

What We Do

Services & Competency

Client Testimonials

What our customers are saying

  • I am proud of the thoughtfulness, commitment and quality of work Omaytop has demonstrated through the procurement, delivery and commissioning of our medical equipments. Teamwork is critical to any project; the Omaytop team & our team worked well together to achieve a first-class medical facility.
  • Working with Omaytop has been a pleasure. Their expertise and focus on results helped us enhancing our business. They are a company I would always recommend.

We Provide Cutting-Edge Medical Equipment

Durable and reliable medical equipment for effective diagnosis and treatment in your facilities.